A year ago, I wouldn’t have expected to give a lecture on #newworkinhealthcare at university. After all, I’m not a professor! Now, however, I had been working on alternative work models in medicine. Doing that I had attracted the attention of a friend, namely Prof. Jan Ehlers. How did that come about? In the middle of last year, I learned how to network in a really productive way, in the form of a WOL Circle (Working Out Loud). For this circle I was able to recruit the Vice President of Witten-Herdecke University, Prof. Jan Ehlers. This is a cool and smart guy who likes to experiment with progressive formats to try to fill the curriculum for his students with the best content. What WOL is and what it has to do with New Work in Healthcare (#NWiH, #teal) was then the topic of a virtual lecture in front of about 250 participating students. Here you can see the lecture about #newworkinhealthcare and WOL.
Welcome to #NWiH. #NWiH stands for New Work in Healthcare and reports in short articles about experiences with agile forms of organization in the healthcare sector. The philosophy behind this practical work is all about #teal and #newwork and aims to improve the work ecosystem for all healthcare professionals and patients. I have always wanted to implement many improvements in my work environment, but often failed very early on because many people said “it can’t be done and we have always done it that way”. With the goal of a fundamental change in mind and with a sound theoretical knowledge of very promising organizational forms in my luggage my journey lead me to leading an innovative Online Academy in collaboration with the DPGPRÄC and the University of Witten/Herdecke. It will be an awesome journey and fells very alive at the moment. I invite you to exchange ideas. Just write me via the contact form.